Racing Seat Phone Holder

There are many different kinds of phone holders available. Some are small, others foldable or adjustable, and I wanted to look at some special ones, like this racing seat phone holder. It’s based on a Recaro seat and features a roll cage and a hole to charge your phone.

Printing the sides and the seat itself was very easy because they have a large and flat first layer, which does not count for the cage. It’s quite the opposite, with small bases, filigree structures, and bridges. It took me many attempts to get it printed nicely while I added more and more support and changed the orientation on the print bed.

But in the end, I had beautiful parts, and I just needed to screw all of them together. This was a really satisfying task because, other than usual, it required no glue and, therefore, could be replaced in the future with other colors or be repaired if something breaks. And the racing seat phone holder not only looks cool but is also very useful to hold your phone vertically or horizontally.

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