Blastoise is a Water-type Pokémon and the final evolution of the Squirtle evolutionary line, evolving from Wartortle. As the third-generation starter Pokémon, Blastoise is known for its impressive defensive capabilities and powerful water-based attacks. Its appearance is characterized by a giant, hydro-powered cannon on its shell, which it uses to unleash devastating water attacks in battles. Blastoise is a fan-favorite among Pokémon enthusiasts and is often admired for its cool and formidable demeanor.
This Blastoise Pokemon was my first print of a prominent figure. I found it on and immediately wanted to build my own. Luckily, I had all the colors of filament I needed at home and started printing. The model is well thought out and split into multiple parts for easy printing—only the eyes required for a multi-material print. Assembling was satisfying except for the tail, which did not stick well while gluing. I used a filament called gun metal for the water canons, which turned out to be too dark. You better use flat silver instead.
- Printer: BambuLab X1C
- Filament: Bambu PLA Matte and Recycling Fabrik
- Duration: 1d 9h 22m
- Weight: 1120 g
- Height: 24 cm

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